Sponsors Compdes 2019 - El Salvador

In ACOFINGES we know that it is an essential value of democracy and therefore we promote transparency in each of the things we do every day. https://www.acofinges.com.sv/

Banco Agrícola, is a Salvadoran bank founded in 1955, is one of the most important banks in El Salvador and since 2007 is a company of the Bancolombia Group. https://www.bancoagricola.com/

Since 1988 we are leaders in the market of the latest technologies of Voice, Video and Data. We are known for recognizing and satisfying the needs of our clients. https://www.jmtelcom.com/

Microsoft Corporation is a multinational technology company based in Redmond, Washington in the United States. Develops, manufactures, licenses and provides software support for personal computers, servers, electronic devices and services. https://www.microsoft.com/es-sv/